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How to Keep a Clean Home

Easy tips and tricks to keep your home sparkling!

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  1. Make your bed. It seems so simple but gets you up and out of bed and already checking things off your to-do list and keeps you from laying down for a nap (well most days if you are like me)

  2. Wipe down all counters and sinks. These are used daily and can accumulate dust and dirt very quickly. By doing this daily or every other day you can save time scrubbing all weekend.

  3. Sweep the floors. By giving them a quick sweep or vacuum it keeps dust and dirt from going throughout the whole house again saving you even more time and keeping allergens at a low.

  4. Set a timer. Set a timer and start in one room and pickup all you can. This helps to keep the major clutter away and keeping you as productive as possible with a time limit.



  1. Take out the trash. Grab all the trash cans from around the house and throw them into one large trash bag. This will keep from trash piling up all around the house making more of a mess.

  2. Scrub the toilets, tubs, showers and sinks. The grim that accumulates on these is gross and happens so fast. Wiping them down weekly keeps them squeaky clean because your skin touches these daily and everything on them is absorbed into your skin. (gross!!)

  3. Clean the mirrors. You can't see your best self with a dirty mirror!

  4. Dust all your furniture, fans and shelving. I admit I do not do this as much as I should and when I start to get headaches and a stuffy nose its usually from all the dust on the furniture, shelving and your fan!

  5. Wash and change your bed linens. Sleeping in clean sheets is seriously the best feeling and should be done every one to two weeks max.

  6. Do the laundry. In a week the laundry starts to pile up and doing it each week keeps it from becoming a mountain in your laundry room.

  7. Vacuum carpets, rugs, and floors. All the allergens, dirt and other stuff brought from outside is imbedded in those fibers of your favorite rugs and carpets, so sweep those right up and keep the dirt away.

  8. Clean the inside of the microwave and oven. I swear every time I have microwaved or cooked something it splatters everywhere so if you are like me it may need a daily cleaning.



  1. Scrub the tile grout. This one may be the worse to get on your hands and knees and really scrub the grout where all the dirt from your shoes and any food crumbs get pushed into each day.

  2. Clean the kitchen and bathroom cabinets. The most underrated area to clean that should be cleaned more than I do it at least. Cleaning your cabinets keeps your supplies, food, and makeup items free of anything that could get your sick or affect your skin / body.

  3. Wipe down doorknobs, switch plates, and lamps. From dirty hands, sticky fingers, and other germs from your daily lives are stuck on these most commonly touched items, take a cloth and some spray and kill those germs to keep sickness down!

  4. Vacuum baseboards and heating / cooling vents. A lot of dust can settle on these and your vents especially are pushing the air and possible dust right into the room where you sleep, eat, and relax in.

  5. Disinfect the garbage cans. Since they should be pretty empty from removing the garbage weekly, give you garbage cans a good scrub down from any foods or products that may have leak and could start to smell soon! A trick to keeping your garbage can smelling good is to place newspaper at the bottom under your bag!


Disclaimer: I am no cleaning expert but found these tips to be helpful in keeping myself and my husband as clean and as healthy as possible so I thought I would pass them on to you!



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So I'm Aly a newly married wife and interior designer in Pittsburgh, PA! I started this blog to share all about Jesus, the insane deals I find, tricks I know, and tips from all my traveling around the world with some thrown in random thoughts and puns.

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