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6 Things To Do Before Buying New Clothes


1. Go through your old clothes.

When I am wanting to buy something new I go through my closet to see what I have. More times than not I find exactly what I was going to buy or better.

2. Donate what you do not wear.

If you have not worn it in a. year plus, donate it. If it has holes in it, throw it away. If it still has the tags on it and it has not moved from your closet, donate it or give to a friend.

3. Check local thrift / resale stores.

Not only can you find a great deal or two! But you are also supporting a good cause (local city mission etc!) and you are keeping trash from landfills!

4. Try it on twice.

Wait. Wait and think about it and come back to it and try again if you still are still unsure. If you can not live without it go back and get it. If you sleep on it and still can not decide it probably is not for you.

5. If you have (any!) hesitations about something, don’t buy it.

Just do not buy it if you even think once that it might not work or very selective of what you can wear it with.

6. Buy things that actually work for your taste and lifestyle.

Fast fashion is wasteful to the earth and not sustainable especially if you do not really think you will wear it more than a couple of times.


How often do you go through your clothes? When was the last time you made a donation? Do you find these tips helpful?

Thank you for supporting my blog! - Aly


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So I'm Aly a newly married wife and interior designer in Pittsburgh, PA! I started this blog to share all about Jesus, the insane deals I find, tricks I know, and tips from all my traveling around the world with some thrown in random thoughts and puns.

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